Browse Items (8 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Creator is exactly "Chesta Wrenn" Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Taos Fiestas in Three Images, c. 1940. Chesta Wrenn c. 1940 Ben Lujan Chesta Wrenn c. 1970 Ben Lujan with his son, Eliseo, and Irving Couse Chesta Wrenn c. 1940 Ben Lujan visits La Jolla Chesta Wrenn 1941 Ben Lujan visits La Jolla (verso) Chesta Wrenn 1941 Ben at Warner's Hot Springs Chesta Wrenn c. 1944 Ben at Warner's Hot Springs (verso) Chesta Wrenn c. 1944 Ben Lujan walks with his son, Telesfor, and Irving Couse on Paseo Road. Chesta Wrenn 1941 Output Formats atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2