Browse Items (21 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Publisher is exactly "The Lunder Research Center" Page of 3 Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Garden Clubs Tour Taos August 25, 1949 Ben and Family in the Couse Garden. c. 1944 Ben and Irving on a horse c. 1939 Taos Fiestas 1940 1940 Taos Fiestas 1941 1941 Taos Fiestas 1941 1941 Taos Fiestas 1942 1942 Taos Fiestas 1942 1942 Taos Fiestas 1941 1941 Taos Fiestas 1944 1944 Page of 3 Output Formats atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2